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Allan B. I. Bernardo


Allan B. I. Bernardo is Distinguished University Professor and University Fellow at De La Salle University. His current research focuses on lay theories (specifically, polyculturalism) and intergroup/intercultural processes, socioeconomic inequality, poverty and social mobility, hope and well-being in Asian societies, and other applied social psychology topics. 


Allan B. I. Bernardo received his B.A. (magna cum laude) from the University of the Philippines, Diliman in 1987, and his PhD in Psychology from Yale University in 1992.


Allan B. I. Bernardo was elected as Fellow of The World Academy of Science for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) in 2023, becoming the first Filipino social scientist to be elected to the merit-based science academy. He was elected Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology in 2007. He was given by the Psychological Association of the Philippines the Outstanding Psychologist award in 2009. In 2003, he was one of recipients of the The Oustanding Young Men (TOYM) award given by the Philippine Senate Jaycees. The National Research Council of the Philippines gave him the Achievement Award (Social Sciences) in 2002. 


He received the 1996 International Award for Literacy Research by the UNESCO Institute for Education. He was awarded the Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship by the US National Academy of Education in 1996, and later received the Fulbright Advanced Research Fellowship in 2011.


He received awards for his teaching from the all the three universities that he has served: the 1995 Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Teaching from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, the 1998 Outstanding Teacher Award by the Council of Student Organizations, De La Salle University, and the 2019 Outstanding Teaching Award by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau. 


He was selected to receive the Professional Regulations Commission's 2020 Outstanding Professional of the Year Award in the field of Psychology, and also the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations' 2021 Distinction Award for Psychology (Academe/Research and Development. 


For five years now, he has listed among the top 2% scientists in all fields in terms of scientific impact, according to annual studies by Stanford University researchers. He is the only Philippine-based psychologist and social scientist to be consistently included in the list.


Allan B. I. Bernardo served as President of the Asian Association of Social Psychology (2015-2017), President of the ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies (2008-2010), Chairman of the Board of the Philippine Social Science Council (2008-2012), and President of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (2004-2008).


He was elected member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) in 2024, and currently Chairs its Publications Standing Committee.


He has served as Chair of the Commission of Higher Education’s Technical Committee in Psychology (2011-2012), Acting Chair of the Technical Panel of Social Science and Communications (2011), Chair of the Technical Panel on Teacher Education (2003-2006), and chair and/or member of numerous technical working groups and ad-hoc committees of the Commission.

Editorial Work

Allan B. I. Bernardo is the only Filipino who has served as Editor of two SSCI-listed journals. He was Editor of The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher from 2001 to 2012 (and is now Editor Emeritus). He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2018-2020). 


He also served as Editor of the Philippine Journal of Psychology (2010-2012) and has served as Guest Editor of special issues in the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology and Psychological Studies. He has edited or co-edited numerous volumes of research in psychology and education, most recently the volume The Psychology of Asian Learners (Springer, with Ronnel B. King) and a special issue of the Philippine Journal of Psychology on positive psychology in the Philippines (with Jesus Alfonso S. Datu and Ronnel B. King).

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