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Intergroup Lay Theories, Diversity Ideologies, and Intergroup/Intercultural Relations

     Globalization has created more culturally diverse societies where social experiences may evoke both positive (e.g., creativity, collaboration) and negative (e.g., prejudice, hostility) psychological responses. This research theme investigates different aspects of intergroup relations in intercultural contexts (e.g., culturally diverse societies, multicultural and transnational workplaces, ethnically diverse schools, communities with migrants and refugees, government foreign policy making, close interpersonal relationships, among others), with a specific focus on the role of the lay theory of polyculturalism or the belief that cultures are connected and mutually influencing each other in these intergroup processes. The theoretical aspects of this research program seek to clarify the structure of the lay theory of polyculturalism, the psychological mechanisms that underlie the intergroup influences of polyculturalism, and how these relate to other lay theories (e.g., multiculturalism, essentializing race) and other forms of prejudice (e.g., sexism, sexual prejudice, social class prejudice). The practical aspects of the program seek to understand how these processes can be used to enhance outcomes in real world contexts (e.g., schools, workplaces, community attitudes). 




Bernardo, A. B. I.(2019). Polyculturalism and perceived effects of globalization in Macau. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 47, e8129. 


Bernardo, A. B. I., Salanga, M. G. C., Tjipto, S., Hutapea, B., Khan, A., & Yeung, S. S. (2019). Polyculturalism and attitudes towards the continuing presence of former colonizers in four postcolonial Asian societies. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1335. 


Rosenthal, L., Ramirez, L., Levy, S. R., & Bernardo, A. B. I.(2019). Polyculturalism: Viewing cultures as dynamically connected and its implications for intercultural attitudes in Colombia. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 37, 133-151.   


Salanga, M. G. C., & Bernardo, A.B. I.(2019). Cognitive empathy in intercultural interactions: The roles of multiculturalism and polyculturalism. Current Psychology, 38, 165-176.  


Tjipto, S., & Bernardo, A. B. I.(2019). Multiculturalism and polyculturalism in a culturally homogeneous society: A mixed-methods study in Wonosobo, Indonesia. Cogent Psychology, 6(1), 1-23. 


Bernardo, A.B. I.,& Presbitero, A. (2018). Cognitive flexibility and cultural intelligence: Exploring the cognitive aspects of effective functioning in culturally diverse contexts. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 66, 12-21.


Bernardo, A.B. I., & Presbitero, A. (2017). Belief in polyculturalism and cultural intelligence: Individual- and country-level differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 307-310. 


Bernardo, A. B. I.,Salanga, M. G. C., Tjipto, S., Hutapea, B., Yeun­­­­g, S. S., & Khan, A. (2016). Contrasting lay theories of polyculturalism and multiculturalism: Associations with essentialist beliefs of race in six Asian cultural groups. Cross-Cultural Research, 50, 231-250. 


Bernardo, A. B. I., Rosenthal, L., & Levy, S. R. (2013). Polyculturalism and attitudes towards people from other countries. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 335-344.


Bernardo, A. B. I. (2013). Exploring social cognitive dimensions of sexual prejudice in Filipinos. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 46, 19-48.


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