Distinguished University Professor
De La Salle University
Socioeconomic Status Differences, Inequality, and Social Mobility
Bernardo, A. B. I. (2023). Growth mindset and reading proficiency of ESL learners: Examining the role of students’ socioeconomic status using PISA 2018 Philippine data. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 38, 675-693. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-022-00629-6
Liu, H., Wang, T. Y., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2021). Is guanxi belief predicted by system-justifying ideologies? Exploring the relationship of guanxi beliefs with meritocracy, social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism. International Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/02134748.2021.1882226
Bernardo, A. B. I. (2021). Socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between growth mindset and learning in mathematics and science: Evidence from PISA 2018 Philippine data. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 9, 208-222. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2020.1832635
Bernardo, A. B. I., Levy, S. R., & Lytle, A. (2018). Culturally relevant meanings of the Protestant work ethic and attitudes towards poor persons. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 21, e40, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1017/sjp.2018.48
Bernardo, A. B. I., Clemente, J. A. R., & Wang, T. Y. (2018). Working for a better future: Social mobility beliefs and expectations of Filipino migrant workers in Macau. Australian Journal of Psychology, 70, 350-360.
Daganzo, M.A. A., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2018). Socioeconomic status and problem attributions: The mediating role of sense of control. Cogent Psychology, 5, 1525149. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311908.2018.1525149
Clemente, J. A. R., Daganzo, M. A. A., Bernardo, A. B. I., & Pangan, C. A. C. (2017). Filipino adolescents’ conceptions of socioeconomic mobility: A consensual qualitative research. Child Indicators Research, 10, 117-140.
Wang, T. Y., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2017). Through the back door: Personality factors predict acceptance of illegal zou hou men among Chinese people. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 114-117.
Bernardo, A. B. I. (2015). Broadening psychology discourses on poverty and connecting with conversations on social change. Silliman Journal, 56(3), 227-236.
Bernardo, A. B. I. (2015). Poverty, privilege, and prejudice: Social psychological dimensions of socioeconomic inequalities in the Philippines. Silliman Journal, 56(3), 179-203.
Bernardo, A. B. I. (2013). Social dominance orientation and attitudes towards the poor: Contrasting lower and higher socioeconomic groups in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 46, 39-69.